Ron’s Short Review: Pretty good book on identifying the competencies and organizations in the future but ends up identifying the classical competencies of humility, patience, courage, and faith.
Ron’s Short Review: This is actually a collections of articles that the Heath’s wrote for Fast Company but it’s a great collection of the myths in business that keep us from simply doing the hard work it takes to succeed. Quick read but nicely thought provoking.
Ron’s Short Review:This was the first book I read when I made the decision to go into the consulting business and it set a foundation of integrity that has been invaluable.
Ron’s Short Review: Very profound book on the need to change yourself before leading change with others. A great section on the Tyranny of Competency that I’ve found very useful.
Ron’s Short Review: “Life is difficult” is the opening sentence of this book. Those that try to lead a life assuming that it shouldn’t be difficult lean toward mental illness. So do teams.